Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Good Run Today

Things are beginning to come together. 5k at 30:55. Not terribly fast but 3:50 faster than my horrendous time at The Jingle Bell Run. Breakfast was coffee, Irish Soda Bread and a banana. Lunch was a light pasta and a bottled water.
Tomorrow I will bike.
I can feel my stride getting stronger and the times will come down.
What beautiful day to run. Not a cloud in the sky and temps in the mid 50's. If only everyday could be like this.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Just That Much Closer

What a great day!!! I only need to find if I can swim 584 yards and I am good to go. I did the 10 mile bike this morning as well as the 5k run. What a great feeling. I need to get used to T2 (bike to run), the pain was unique and lasting a little longer than I would have liked.
No matter, a solid diet of meditating on "Put one foot in front of the other" and the run was done.
It was such a beautiful day that I could have trained all day but alas work calls.
It feels good to know I can finish the distances with little trouble. Now it is time to start finding "the faster".

I will probably bike on Friday and do strength and conditioning on Saturday morning.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Just Put One Foot In Front of The Other

I just finished Dean Karnazes' awesome book "Ultra Marathon Man - Confessions of an All Night Runner" and was inspired beyond belief. While I took a lot out of that book it was one thing he talked about which has truly helped me is the thought "Just put one foot in front of the other". As I increase my distance and increase the intensity of my intervals I have come to believe that a long race is really just a series of shorter races. As opposed to running 5.5 miles, I am racing to the next telephone pole or to the next street corner. I recommend this book to anybody who wants to improve their life no matter whether you are an athlete or not.
This weekend was great for my training;
Friday - 1 hour of speed, agility, strength and conditioning work at All Star Sports Academy. The work out included ladder work, cleans, TRX pikes, single arm stability ball dumbbell presses, medicine ball granny tosses, kettlebell swings, vertimax jumps and plate pushes.
Saturday - I played 2 hours of indoor soccer with my buddies.
Sunday - This was the day. I refereed 2 ice hockey games in the morning, watched the USA hockey game (Blame Canada) and then ran 5.5 miles.

I did pretty good with my nutrition but I am having problems with energy so I will be working with Phil Hueston a NASM Performance Enhancement Specialist to improve my nutrition intake.

It looks like the weather is starting to break so I will get more bike rides in and get in more runs.

I really believe I will finish my first tri. It all comes down to like my cousin Aque's all about finishing and looking good at the finish line.