Thursday, January 28, 2010

Night Led Into Morning

7PM Wednesday night I got my strength and conditioning workout in. It was good, here is a list of what was done

power skips (2x)
iron cross (6/6)
Spiderman (6/6)
Push up rotation (6/6)

W Drill to sprint

Plate Inchworms
DB Press
SB Twists
KB High Pull
KB Crunch
one arm squat thrusts
MB Body Pikes
MB Lunge/Press

Good work-out, woke up this morning and got myself ready and I rode the bike in to the gym this morning.
I can feel it coming together. My last run was good and my bike ride this morning really felt great. I finished the ride feeling a whole lot better than last time.

I think I am still on pace to complete both the bike and run portions the weekend of Feb 7th.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Weather Broke So I Ran

Wow, wow, wow....what a run. That was my best 5k in at least 20 years. It hasn't been since I last ran competitively that I have felt this good. Maybe it was the great weather, maybe it was all the mileage finally coming together reminding me how I used to do this thing...whatever it was it made or one of my best 5k runs in a good long while.
I think from here on, it is pushing myself to do some better telephone pole intervals and maybe ratcheting up the distance to 5 miles in the coming weeks.
Tomorrow is strength and conditioning day at All Star and then depending on the weather, Thursday will be the bike.

Nutrition is pretty much the same. Special K with some fresh bananas, 8 ounces coffee and 16 ounces OJ.

Lunch will probably be a salad.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Weekend Work

Saturday morning arrives and I go to All Star Sports Academy for some Strength and Conditioning work. A great workout, here is some of the work accomplished;

1. single leg hurdle hops
2. TRX tucks
3 Mountain climbers to sprint
4. Feet up push ups
5. Reverse ladder run
6. Bar squats (135 lbs)
7. Single leg DB RDL (35 lbs)
8. Sledgehammer/Tire
9. MB slam
10. KB Get Up

Later that night I played indoor soccer with some friends. Scored 3 goals and 4 assists. I can feel my legs coming back.

Nutrition was not good this weekend, I kind of lost discipline. I guess I was so hurting on Sunday morning that I used it as my "cheat day".

Today is Monday and we have a hurricane going on right now so I will get my run in tomorrow morning. My nutrition was good so far today. Special K cereal with fresh strawberries, 10 ounces coffee and 16 ounces orange juice. Lunch was salad and 1 slice of pizza. beverage was lemon Propel water.

I really believe I can do this. As I get in better shape and the workouts come easier, I think I can do this.

I am hoping the weekend of Feb 6th to do both the bike and run portions. I will not time it...I will pray to finish (and look good while doing it...right Dr. Alamo?)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Bike

Well, the bike is repaired and good to go. It was now time to take it out and see if still knew how to ride a bike. So what better way to find out if you can ride a bike than by riding 10 miles into work. The first few miles worked, it was nice. The middle 3 or so miles had me saying...what the F am I doing and the final 2 miles were somewhat tolerable.
I started seeing differences in distance and how the body reacts. I can see how hydration and nutrition will help me in my coming months of training.
The good news is I know I can do the distance, the bad news is I have to yet to discover if I can pull all 3 together in one day.
I must confess I am enjoying the training process.

Nutrition so far today

Breakfast 2 bowls of Chex cereal, 1 10 ounce cup of coffee, 1 16 ounce glass of orange juice

1 20 ounce Gatorade after the ride

Lunch is next

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Friday Night Into Saturday Morning

Friday Night was one of my 3 weekly strength and conditioning sessions with my business partner and trainer, Brian Blue at All Star Sports Academy.
50 minute work-out consisting of core and strength work.
Core work included
Medicine Ball twists 8 on each side
Stability Ball pikes 12 total
TRX Tucks 10 total
Kettlebell Crunches 8 on each side
Frontal Plane Russian Hops 1 length of facility in each direction

Strength Work
Single Leg Kettlebell Presses 8 each side
Rotating Bar Presses with 25lb plate 8 eachside
Prowler march with 215lbs 1 length of facility
Jump up Chin ups 10 times
vertical Med Ball catch 8 each arm
Kettlebell walk 12 "steps"
Monster Truck Tire Flip with a squat thrust

Saturday morning was my 5k run. Good stuff!!! The weather was great and I am now doing telephone pole intervals to help increase my speed. I haven't got one of those fancy triathlon watches yet so I don't know what my time was. I can tell you though I felt faster than I did at the Jingle Bell run

Nutrition wise, dinner last night was 8 ounces pork with 1 cup of steamed rice. Beverage was bottled water with one of those little Gatorade Propel packages.
Breakfast this morning was 2 bowls of Chex cereal with 2% milk and 4 fresh strawberries a 10 ounce cup of coffee and a 8 ounce glass of real fresh squeezed orange juice.

I am going to rest up this afternoon because i am going to treat myself to some indoor soccer tonight with my friends.

Friday, January 15, 2010

And Then It Began...

Ok, I have decided to do it. I have been inspired by my cousin Dr. Aque Alamo and now I will enter the world of endurance sports. I will take on a triathlon. I hope to make this a complete account of every part of my training. How I trained, where I trained, what I ate and the results of each. I ran competitively a long time ago and even won a race (the 1984 Point Pleasant Seafood Festival 5 Mile). I raced in Fort Campbell while a member of the 101st Airborne Division but after a while beer, laziness, kids and excuses have taken over and alas...pounds have increased along with my 5k times. I will also keep track of my performance on
I hope to post everyday or every other day as I train.
Here is what I have right now. I will train in Toms River, Seaside and the rest of the barrier island for both bike and running. The swim will be done at the YMCA until it gets a little warmer and I can use a wetsuit in the bay.
I will do my strength, conditioning, speed and agility at All Star Sports Academy in Toms River NJ
I will use Muscle Maker Grill, Pro-Grade and other athletic food sources for healthy food that will help increase my performance.
I will remember Dr. Alamo's famous's all about looking good at the finish line