Monday, February 22, 2010

Back In Business

Wow, I hate snow. You can only do so much speed, agility, strength and conditioning work. You want to get outside to run and ride. Well yesterday I was finally able to get outside and run as the streets were clear of snow and ice enough to make the travel safe.
I ran 5 miles yesterday. I know I can do the 5k consistently well so now I am upping the mileage. As I am upping the mileage, I will begin interval training on the 5 mile distance til I have it comfortable and confident.
My ultimate goal is to have the ability to complete a half marathon by LavaMan.
I will probably try to get a ride in on Thursday as we have rain coming in which should melt any remaining snow on the roadsides.
Nutrition has been ok. I could have been better. I am eating sort of right but the sweets around the house tempt me :)
That's it for now. My plan is to run tomorrow.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Not Much Happening Right Now

Well a bunch of things have managed to combine themselves into one big slowdown in my training. Last weekend I refereed 6 ice hockey games over a 2 day period. I also managed to get in a game of indoor soccer at our facility. I took 2 days to rest and get my strength back but now with my mother in law in the hospital, that has taken time which leads us to...
Now with 2 feet of snow on the ground and another couple inches forecast for Tuesday into Wednesday, I am not sure when I will be able to restart my training. I can only do so much speed, agility, strength and conditioning training. I need to log in mileage both in running and on the bike.
I have set up a blender in the kitchen and have begun healthy smoothie breakfasts.
The diet is holding up still, I ma not having too many bad days or mistakes.
I just need the snow to go away so I can keep this thing moving.